Eye Saturation Radial Toggle (From Gray To Full Color Saturation)
Outfit, Dragon Parts, Hair, And Eye Material Swaps On Separate Radial Toggles (Holographic, White, Black, Color And Galaxy Material Swaps On Clothing And Dragon Parts. Pastel, Color, Galaxy, Brown, Black, Red, And Blonde Hair. Dragon Eyes, Black Eyes, and Human Eyes)
Dissolving Outfit Toggles: Skirt, Corset, Bikini Top, Coverings, Bottoms, Chain Top, Hip Chains, Arm Sleeves, Fishnets
Dissolving Dragon Toggles: Horns, Tail, Wings
Custom Tattoo Skin Texture Made In Substance Painter
Skin Swap To Clean Skin Texture
Wing Animations Go Flap Flap
Custom Face Gestures
Particles: Constellation Finger Trails, Idle Star Particles, Star Particles Falling From Earring, Cosmic Eye Particles, Cosmic Foot Trail
Do not use any of the assets in this package unless you have paid for them yourself (or if they are free, get them from their original creators)
Don't use my edits or textures. (If you want to use my tattoo texture, I do plan on selling that separately soon)
No leaking, public uploads, trading, friend uploads, or price splitting.
Tattoo Texture: Me ^.^ https://discord.gg/mV5Ya7D If you have any questions, I haven't credited someone correctly, or if you have other comments feel free to Discord message me @ Lunacakes#0666 or in my server (it's a wip)Poiyomi (pro preffered)>Current SDK>PackageWhen you upload the package you will need to click in the folder "Celeste" in your assets folder, there you will see a scene called Celeste Click on that and there you go, select which avatar you want to upload from there and feel free to use the provided image on the cube next to it as a upload image.